Yeah, been awhile, right? Well between vacationing and work and Shannon's baby shower I helped with today, its no wonder I haven't been blogging.
I'll remedy that today. No promises for tomorrow.
So here are some pictures from the shower :)
Sock flower Corsage :) I'm not a good person to pin though...Shannon can tell you that.
Adorable diaper cake. You do need 2 people to put one together! Thanks Kim :)
The gifts, before the table started overflowing...
Before Kimberly brought her little socks :) If you read my blog, you might recognize the clothes.
Hooray for bias tape, CriCut and isosceles triangles.
Yummy! Thanks Whitney :)
The Bouqet that caused me trouble. I thought flowers, easy peasy. Yeah, until you try to attach them to the stem.
Our expert cake cutter, Melody
The woman of the hour, Shannon. I hope I look this cute when I'm pregnant
And now for more pics of the quilt, sewn by yours truly and quilted by Mary Flynn:
TTFN - Ta Ta for Now :)
What a pretty quilt and such a nice gift.