Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Here are a few shots of the new quilt!  No peeking Ruth!!!!!!!!!!!  I'll get some more pictures tomorrow if its sunny!

Little Claire's Quilt

Little Claire's Quilt arrived today!   I'm so pleased! Its awesome!  There might be some additional appliqué, then off to its new owner who arrived a little earlier than expected! Thank you so much Jenn!! Pictures to come.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Haiti - the poorest country in the western hemisphere. 

It was devastated by 7.0 magnitude earthquake in January. Reportedly, more than 230,000 people were killed, 300,000 had been injured and 1,000,000 made homeless.

 The national palace, found here

The many people who were displaced following the earthquake now live in tent cities, on borrowed land.  A UN report in September stated that 29 percent of 1,268 camps studied had been closed forcibly, meaning the often violent relocation of tens of thousands of people. 

Tropical storm Tomas caused additional problems - It pushed contaminated water further inland.  Water we now know was contaminated with Cholera.

Haiti doesn't have a single sewage treatment plant. Cholera is spread by eating or drinking contaminated food or water.  What are they to do? 

The death toll has climbed to 1700 since the outbreak was detected in late October.

What can you do to help?

T-61 days and counting

Friday, November 12, 2010

One-handed crafting!

 excuse the pins...its still drying

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Just a quickie

With so many friends having babies and Christmas fast approaching, I've been super busy trying to get all my presents made!! Here's one I threw together at the last minute for a friend who is doing "Dr Seuss" for her baby's room....

 Two poor neglected thrift store finds, needing some repair work...

 A few tugs of my needle nose pliers....

 Some patching putty, which I didn't know how to use
Some red spray paint and a lack of spray painting space...

 Ta - Da !!!  
Add some Dr. Seuss fabric and yield two adorable (if slightly shoddy)  Dr. Seuss frames!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Fun Frantic Sewing

I got a call on Thursday.  A friend, who has been waiting to adopt a baby, got the call that they had one.  Actually not one, but two.  Twin boys!  Not only that, but they are getting them tomorrow!  Let's just say I started franticly sewing!  I got most of it done to mail tomorrow.  I didn't get the car seat covers done, but figure those can wait a bit.  Here's hoping she doesn't read my blog, other wise she's getting a sneak peek! I apologize, but it is very windy out here today, so not the best pictures!
Take me out to the ball game.
Snap closure on the back
Animals riding...things...

Changing pad, folds up and Velcros shut. Has a pocket for wipes and diapers!
Pacifier Clips.  One end has Velcro to loop around the end of the Paci, the other clips to a bib, or clothes, ect.

Close up of the ends.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

What's been occuping my time

  Wesley's Placemats, only 2 of the 4 would fit on the table
Pot holders!! So darn cute too...somehow the dish towel was left out...hum
Living room pillows, I made all of the cases and a lady here in town embroidered two of them with the GPB letters and crescent moon...if you want her name, just let me know :)

Wesley's Bedroom.  I made the curtains and a couple of the pillows.
No, this isn't for Wesley!  One of our former patients that one of our nurse's is in the process of adopting had her one year birthday!  Not too bad for the first time working on knit.  

Back to the sweat shop...should be finished with all the rest of Wesley's to-do list tonight or tomorrow. YAY!  Then on to pillows that a couple of people have been waiting patiently for :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I am alive...

I know its been awhile...thanks every one for checking on me :)

I've been sewing up a storm for my little sister's dorm room and between that and work, haven't had time for much else :(

Here's the list of my sewing accomplishments since my last post:
1) Bedroom curtains
2) Closet curtains
3) 4 placemats
4) 2 potholders
5) Dishtowel
6) 2 pillows

And still to make when I get the measurements and the fabric:

Curtains for the living room
Maybe some tiebacks for the curtains and a couple more dish towels, maybe...

This doesn't even mention the ever-accumulating list of Christmas and Baby presents.  Come on people, take your birth control please! At least don't have the baby until AFTER Christmas! You're killing me!  Not so much, but look at the long list of prego friends makes me realize not every one is going to get a quilt.  Sorry.  How about some cute appliquéd onesies?? 

Speaking of appliqué...I make a little needle book for myself.  Just to try out appliqué really.  It look pretty darn good.  A little bit off, I machine appliquéd it. I have quite a few needles.  I like picking up sewing stuff at estate sales, and got a tub with alot of that stuff in there last time.  Maybe I'll take some pictures of it soon.  (Probably before the little sis gets her new pictures sent to me *hint*hint*)

Enough rambling.  I'm going to eat and go to bed.  Not sleeping well + getting up at 0530 + more than 12 hour shift = in bed by 915 (2115 for all of you who rock that military time)  :)

Nighty Night

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Third one's the charm :)

Three posts in four days! I'm going to spoil y'all if I keep this up :)

Here are some more pictures of all the crafty goodness that occurred in Arkansas last week :)

8x10 Canvass painted with Wesley's Greek letters, hung from 3 different pink and brown ribbons

Wesley loves this saying so she painted and wrote the words. Then after a little cajoling, got me to scribble draw and paint *coughing inserted here* a cupcake in the corner.

Happy Crafting

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Giveaway Goodness...

I won!! I won!! This little adorable bag from Kris!! As I yippeed all around the house, my husband said "Just what you need, another bag." I shall not let him damper my enthusiasm! I love it!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

What Spare Time??

So (I start alot of posts out like this, don't I??) I went home to help my little sis with some dorm decor for the upcoming semester. Here's some of what we came up with:

A flower pillow inspired by Cluck Cluck Sew. Not quite as good as the one they made, but pretty cute in my personal, non biased, opinion. This one will be for her bedroom

Oh my gosh these next two were a pain (and the reason I didn't get more done while I was home): Ruffle ribbon, inspired by my little ole somewhat imaginative brain.

The ruffles were a teeny bit off at the top. But I wasn't gonna rip it out to fix it. I might later if it bugs a certain some one too much.

This one is inspired by a book called Sewing in No Time. Its an awesome pillow. But I didn't think it through quite enough the first time. Yes, I did say first time.
This is the second attempt. I was so proud of myself finding some premade brown pillow case/slip covers on sale at Hobby Lobby. I had Wesley pin on all the cute little ribbons and then I went to sew them on. Hum. The zipper doesn't open all the way to the top. And even if it did, the ends of the ribbon would stick out. Hum. How then did the book say to do it?? Make your own case and sew them in as you go. Whoops. At least I had brown fabric! Pink and brown are for the living room:

The pink paisley one was by far the quickest to construct. It took all of 30 minutes from cut to finish.

They are all closed with the overlapping flap method (or so I have deemed it) which works really well, is super fast, and requires absolutely no hardware *smile*

More crafty goodness to come when my lovely little sister sends me pictures of the other stuff.

Happy Monday :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

So Sad

Today I said good bye to a wonderful friend. I must say I'm going to miss her terribly. Anyone have ideas for a name for my imaginary friend I'll have to talk to??

Anyway, here is part of her going away present. ( Sorry I couldn't get the the big one to shrink, that's what I get for stealing Maha's pictures off facebook)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Long time coming

Yeah, been awhile, right? Well between vacationing and work and Shannon's baby shower I helped with today, its no wonder I haven't been blogging.

I'll remedy that today. No promises for tomorrow.

So here are some pictures from the shower :)

Sock flower Corsage :) I'm not a good person to pin though...Shannon can tell you that.

Adorable diaper cake. You do need 2 people to put one together! Thanks Kim :)

The gifts, before the table started overflowing...

Before Kimberly brought her little socks :) If you read my blog, you might recognize the clothes.

Hooray for bias tape, CriCut and isosceles triangles.

Yummy! Thanks Whitney :)

The Bouqet that caused me trouble. I thought flowers, easy peasy. Yeah, until you try to attach them to the stem.

The cake was gorgeous and delicious :)

Our expert cake cutter, Melody

The woman of the hour, Shannon. I hope I look this cute when I'm pregnant

There's mine. Yep. Shannon is now the new owner of my Pink Nine Patch!

And now for more pics of the quilt, sewn by yours truly and quilted by Mary Flynn:

TTFN - Ta Ta for Now :)
